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The concept
A smooth transition to wisdom and harmony

In the Dao, an ancestral Chinese philosophy, water is the original source of gentleness, confidence and harmony. It is the purity and suppleness of this element that will make this treatment unique and original.

The Janzu is preferably received in the lagoon: a living, natural water and during the summer in order to fully benefit from all its properties. Surface and then immersion movements are given to you in response to what your body is asking for at the present moment. To receive a Janzu is to discover each time a little in a new light, a new facet. Free yourself from tensions and negative emotions, nourish yourself and immerse yourself in a tranquility and serenity hitherto unsuspected.

Guided, you penetrate in confidence in the heart of yourself. Your tensions are released, your body becomes receptive to all the messages that you want to pass on or receive. Both conscious and unconscious messages. 

​ For some, receiving this treatment is to revel in an already accomplished personality. A makeover. 

​An invitation to travel, the permanent search for pleasure that is constantly renewed without altering its depth or intensity. Each JANZU received is unique! 

This care is the result of know-how gathered from here and elsewhere (China, India, Mexico ...). 

​A synthesis of exceptional skills to accompany you towards deep relaxation and well-being.

douceur du soin dans un lagon à l'île de la Réunion Saline les Bains

©2020 by Healthy Life Designer

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